August 15, 2024



Make a Template

If you love something, make a template. There’s much to be learned by fiddling around with a project’s configuration—putting all the pieces together yourself. We’re all better for enduring this painstaking work, even if it seemed less-than-glorious at the time.

But if you want to be an evangelist for a particular tech stack, it’s important that would-be converts can just hop in and try it out. Maybe it really is the bee's knees, every bit as easy and ergonomic as you claim, but some devs may get stuck on a basic setup step and never get to the fun bits.

In this spirit, we made an Astro + Tailwind + Cloudflare template. The template includes Prettier, ESLint, and a Husky pre-commit hook, so your code looks nice and follows best practices, a dependabot.yml to keep your dependencies up to date, and a README with clear walkthroughs for both local development and deployment.

Check out the code here, and give it a spin.